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Thank you for trusting in my leadership for bringing policy experience and positive changes to Oro Loma Sanitary District as your elected Director. I continue to hear from many of you to understand the challenges we face and how we can all work together to improve our services.

Fiscal responsibility continues to be a top priority while investing in our staff and infrastructure to ensure services have no disruption for you, our customers. Climate change has proved to be a growing threat with climactic events that will challenge our infrastructure as it has shown in the past few years; however, Oro Loma Sanitary District has led in replacing our aged sewer infrastructure with state-of-the-art newer pipes that have cut unplanned service calls and promises reliability for our long-term future. Our policy decisions are constantly focused on making the district more resilient, which provides for more reliable services that ultimately keeps our environment clean and healthy for you and future generations.

The sciences that guide Oro Loma Sanitary District will continue to move us to a better tomorrow and I am committed to these sciences that keep our environment clean and healthy for you.

Please re-elect Benny Lee for Oro Loma Sanitary District 2024


Benny Lee
Director, Oro Loma Sanitary District Board

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